Tipp hurler jailed

Tipperary hurler jailed for biting player’s ear

For the first time in GAA history, a player has been jailed for an on-pitch incident after he bit off part of another hurler’s ear during a match.

Bricklayer Toms Keane (30), a Fethard GAA club hurler, was sentenced to 12 months’ imprisonment with the final nine months suspended for assaulting ire g Annacarthy hurler Brian Ryan in 2006. He is serving his sentence at Limerick prison.

Keane, a married father-of-two from Glenview, Lisronagh, Co Tipperary, was also ordered by the court to pay Ryan 12,000 compensation for estimated economic loss as a result of the injury. The criminal case took place in Clonmel Circuit Court on 24 October last.

Keane, who had no previous convictions, committed the assault while playing as a forward for Fethard in an intermediate league quarter-final match between Fethard and ire g at Boherlahan on 5 June, 2006. The GAA suspended Keane from playing for 96 weeks.

Ryan, who had been marking the forward in the match, had to undergo reconstructive plastic surgery at Cork University Hospital where surgeons took skin from the back of his left ear and reconstructed the top of his injured right ear. He is now bringing a civil action against Keane.

GAA National Hurling Co-ordinator Paudie Butler, who was a character witness in a personal capacity for Keane at the trial, said his jailing had “sent shockwaves through the organisation”.

Keane contested the assault charges, arguing that he “bit out” at Ryan in self-defence as he lay trapped on the ground being kicked and receiving blows.

“We readily accept he did a wrong thing. The GAA does not condone violence on the field. I came in with the hope that he would not serve a custodial sentence. The GAA had already dealt with it very seriously with his ban,” he told the Sunday Tribune. “This was a very unfortunate incident and a wake-up call to everyone. Every county board in the country will take stock of this. I believe it will have a good effect and will make sure players play the sport the way it should be played.”

A spokeswoman for the GAA said it was “not aware of any other player who had been jailed for an on-pitch incident”.

Larry Fenelon, a partner in Leman solicitors in Dublin and sports law expert, said the judgement was “very significant” and "is recognition by the judiciary that violence on the pitch does not stay on the pitch anymore.

“This might light the necessary fire under players to wake up and act responsibly. There has been a cultural shift, we will now increasingly see off-the ball incidents ending up in the courts,” he added.

Fethard GAA club spokesman Gus Ferguson said that Keane was remorseful about the assault and was “devastated” by the prison sentence.

“This guy’s life has been ruined. He’ll find it very hard to put his life back on track. The GAA would not have survived a century and a half if people went running to the courts. This has set a very worrying precedent.”

Ryan was awarded compensation following the assault under the GAA’s player injury scheme. Judge Donagh McDonagh de-scribed the assault as “barbaric” when passing sentence.

Proper order too…whatever about giving or taking a few digs or a belt but to bite the ear off a lad is completely wrong…although the sentence is a bit excessive, i bet if some scumbag with a record did that on a saturday night he probably wouldn’t get as long a jail term

Disgraceful comment from this thug’s club spokesman saying “The GAA would not have survived a century and a half if people went running to the courts”.

FFS he bit he fellas ear to the point of it needing reconstructive surgery, the victim was well entitled to get some justice.

an interesting thread

[quote=“SHANNONSIDER**”]Disgraceful comment from this thug’s club spokesman saying “The GAA would not have survived a century and a half if people went running to the courts”.

FFS he bit he fellas ear to the point of it needing reconstructive surgery, the victim was well entitled to get some justice.[/quote]

Agree with all you say there. A pretty despicable comment by yer man.

[quote=“SHANNONSIDER**”]Disgraceful comment from this thug’s club spokesman saying “The GAA would not have survived a century and a half if people went running to the courts”.


even though ncc probably has a boner on him now reading this thread it doesn’t make a difference what sport it was whether it was a gaa match, a soccer match, a rugby match or even a table tennis match…Shit like that is unacceptable in any and every sport and I think it is no harm that a precedent has been set

dont be dragging table tennis into this pukey

I don’t think any kind of sanction from the GAA would be sufficient for that savagery so he was dead right to go to court. It’s incredible that the club spokesman is making the biter out to be a victim.

Wasn’t James McCartan up in court a couple of years ago for breaking someone’s jaw in an off the ball incident. Was this settled out of court in the end

[quote=“Jugs”]I don’t think any kind of sanction from the GAA would be sufficient for that savagery so he was dead right to go to court. It’s incredible that the club spokesman is making the biter out to be a victim.

Wasn’t James McCartan up in court a couple of years ago for breaking someone’s jaw in an off the ball incident. Was this settled out of court in the end[/quote]

Yeah he was, i think he hit a young garda in a challenge match against westmeath…

Relax NCC, it was an offhand example. Its not like he had a go at soccer and started mentioning words like Heysel, Schumacher, Keane, Jones, Millwall, Hunter is it?

dont see the SRFC reference there?

How in the name of the sweet divine fook can you describe the sentence as a bit excessive?
I know it happened in Tipperary, but surely to God even they haven’t turned into cannibals overnight.
Foley’s reign will nearly equal John Paul 1.

Its excessive in the sense that I have seen a lot worse assaults that have gone to court where the defendant has received much more leniant sentences, considering that he had good character witnesses and no previous convictions…

What an abhorrent thing to say, shame on him.

The other comment about the GAA having already dealt with it very seriously with his ban is ludicrous too. What use is a hurling ban when someone’s bitten a lad’s ear off? Not much more the GAA could do obviously other than ban him but for Paudie Butler to suggest that should be the end of the matter is crazy.

that the gaa has survived a century DESPITE knuckle dragging savages like that in influential positions says an awful lot

If this ruling even makes one scumbag think twice before doing something like this on a GAA field then this will be a good day for our association.

yes its been a great day for the GGA:p

I think they should have sorted it out with a “fair rules” fight beyond in Gloucster woods.

This way of settling disputes is in vogue down here lately with two such bouts recorded in the last two months. The videos are exceptional.

seriously Goebbels - what would a bad day for the GGA be :rolleyes: