Tipperary Matters

Dirty bastards


John Magnier is a great man for driving the local economy in Tipperary and should be supported in his endeavours

He makes a great cider

My Dad was saying there that it must be a massive tax loophole they think they have. And sure we know they keep theimportant people well oiled. Interesting and sad to see.

Funnily enough, they have never had a truly great racehorse.

Thomson Moore was a far better type of cunt than Magnier is.

Pretty damming stuff if true.

Some great work done by Catriona Morrissey on the Coolmore Mafia’s shady land dealings in this weeks Farmers Journal.

Auguste Rodin winning the Derby may well have been their Icarus moment where they flew too close to the sun.

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I wouldn’t really have thought so. There’s an absolute paranoia about magnier for a long time.

I’d imagine it’s simply about having an extremely safe way of securing money and also possibly protecting ballydoyle and coolmore from outside issues.

They’ve land all over England, Australia, Argentina and America too.

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His gallop has been halted now.

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It had to happen

We’ll see. These things can change very quickly.

The story goes whenever someone is looking for a bank loan over a certain threshold, the Central Bank gets notified. The Mafia have some people in power up there who tell them exactly what farmers are looking for loans in Tipperary with the intention to buy land.

Coolmore then know exactly how much they need to bid. They got mugged off for one farm outside Cashel a few years ago when a few farmers were able to come together and put in a bid without a loan.

Most people are selling for a reason and want the highest price. They have plenty of fellas around the area with the ear to the ground. I doubt they need any great info. Sure the sales companies will want the biggest sale too.

Regan outbid him substantially

Exactly why this deal was scuppered, Maginer & Co were cock sure of themselves.

Regan has deep pockets and won’t be brushed aside too easily

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Some sales are being done privately now just to keep them out.

The two brown envelopes with 25k in them are fairly interesting. I totally get that gentlemen have ways of doing business and brown envelopes can serve a purpose but this could open a can of worms.

It’s highly embarrassing for Coolmore & the auctioneer

You’d wonder why they dont just go quietly into the night on this one.

Its a trophy farm i suppose and ego is a terrible thing.

When they were dealing with a Group like the Barne one they should have known better than the envelope routine. Rookie shit.

Okay playing that game with a Farmer wanting to square off a few holes elsewhere & avoiding tax etc but this is a different game.

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Fairly sure there is a reason. Weren’t they planning on planting rape seed oil there.