Tipperary Matters

Lovely shithousery from the PP in the parish annual


Shur Newport is practically part of Limerick. Hadn’t they a lad Hurling with the limerick minors in the ‘16 final.

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Aye. He was living in Newport but had grown up in Limerick or something like that. Glad to say I’m almost 10km from the border thank fuck

Sure weren’t you educated, employed and married in Limerick?

Not quite. My third level education was in Limerick. I got married in Co. Clare. I worked in Clare, Limerick City and West Limerick. As a self-employed man I spent many years working in various parts of the country, with my business registered in Tipp.

Your boss is from Limerick…the result being you spending Christmas in Limerick…for life.

I didn’t see Tipperary listed anywhere there mate

I had my Christmas dinner in Tipperary mate. I’ve never had Christmas dinner in Limerick in my life

Someday you’ll get the invite.

He’d want to be careful. You can’t go straight from ateing Tipperary portions all your life to a Christmas dinner somewhere else. He’d want to go in a few Sundays in a row and see is he able for a good feed

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@caulifloweredneanderthal has the usual suspects hopping here

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The Limerick crowd are fierce sensitive all the same mate

If you took the Limerick people out of Newport, you might as well close up the town.

It’d be no harm. Ye can have them all, lock, stock and two smoking barrels. Ye’re more than welcome to them.

Cc @caulifloweredneanderthal

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The city folk need their liebensraum…North Tipp is their Pomerania.

Ye’ll get same answer the Wehrmacht and and the erzatzgruppen got on their eastern front.

There aren’t too many Prussians in Prussia anymore.

Your answer is based on the supposition that Limerick will lose like the Fuhrer did…but Tipp ain’t got no Red Army

Newport can be our Szczecin :cowboy_hat_face:

Like Napoleon before ye. Ye will falter at the gates of Thurles. We’ve more senior teams that ye.

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