To All of the Forum

As in to Celtic fans rangers are called” Huns”
Always were and always will be
Hope your sensitive ears aren’t too upset

Jesus wept…

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Jesus, will ye stop.

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Deragotary my hole
Some chaps don’t know their European history and the Prussian- Austro Hungarian links to Lizzie sand her mob in Windsor

Boards a do

You ok, hun?


A large cohort of posters here have their profiles hidden. Are there ulterior motives at play or some other rational reason from preventing another poster sending a PM to them. Curiosity matter really……

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Unfortunately one or two posters bear genuine ill will towards other forumites. There have been malicious attempts at profiling with a view to doxxing etc. A sad state of affairs…especially for the guilty parties


Thanks for that. Apparently the internet is really a serious business.

If i ever try to profile you/ discover your true identity itll only be to buy you a pint…whether you like it or not


You can stoll pm them. Go into your profile and go to pms and then stick their name in i think.

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That’s a very polite way of saying @glenshane is a racist and a simpleton and a wanker.

surely a tautology in there somewhere

My standards are slipping.

Racism can post in the @glenshane thread, so it balances out.

There’s some terrible people out there.

Was Fulvio one of the lads singing?!!!

Just saw the video. Jesus Christ.

Which one was he?