To Be Confirmed's New Username

Please post your nominations in this thread. The two best suggestions as deemed by me will be added to the list of potential names for @To Be Confirmed to choose from.

Closing date for names is 9pm this evening. Users can put forward a maximum of three potential names each

Hammy Dawson


The Businessman

Lady Charvet

Anthony Masterson
KIB Man Mark II
Dirty Hands Walter



Tom Mooney’s Pencil

Samwell Tarley

Giovanni Trappatoni (sic)


Brandage Value
The Continuity Bandage
Martin Adams, England Captain

Fart Holey


Paul O Connells arsetowel

Fr Sean Fortune

Nannygoat Mambo

Francie Brady

Mister Potato Head

Menial Worker

The Queen’s shilling.

Gary Kirbys finger