Tokyo 2021

I wonder how this will fare out this year? Love the Olympics and the variety of sports that we will all become experts in over the duration of the event. Whats your favourite?

  • Soccerball
  • Rubby
  • Boxing
  • Swimming
  • Tennis
  • Gymnastics
  • Athletics/Track and field
  • Beach Volleyball
  • Whitewater sports
  • Weightlifting
  • Archery

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I didn’t include Golfing as that isn’t a real sport.

Yet you included Rubby?

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I voted for them all mate

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The Olympics is about athletics, swimming, diving gymnastics. Everything else is a cod. You get a bronze medal in boxing if you come fourth ffs sake.


a man winning the womens weightlifting will pull in the punters youd imagine

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In fairness it has to be included as a team sport. As much as I despise the fucking thing, its popular around these parts. You could make the same argument for and against Soccerball.

I only watch at Olympictime but the swimming is great

Although wary of opening up another thread for the dullard to shout right wing this is an interesting article about where we are now with sport and where does it lead and does sport require some level of fairness.

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You want a discussion about the need for fairness in sport and you bring up Olympic weightlifting. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Unusually for a post of yours that’s quite hard to look away from.

Some interesting pieces on the internet doing the rounds on this and it seems that many people are not happy with it. The benefits of a testosterone fuelled puberty cannot be underestimated. The wokesters are not happy though.

But the anti-trans brigade are dead against delaying puberty.

So it seems trans people can’t win either way with those who seek to deny them their rights.

Probably not the right thread for a discussion on this in fairness. But having a woman with the muscle mass of a man in sports like this is manifestly unfair to other women.

Nothing stopping trans athletes competing against each other in their own designated discipline while the integrity of men and women already competing isn’t compromised.

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How many medals will Ireland win?

Assume 1 or 2 Rowing is a strong possibility
Boxing - imagine Kellie Harrington be fancied for a medal
I’ve not been following Annalise Murphy’s career too carefully since Rio if I’m honest

There are already rules to allow trans people compete.

Given the advantage that they have, its absurd that transgender athletes can compete in female events

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