Tom Humphries thread

Can we take it for granted that most of the lads on the banter-bus here have no idea what it’s like to be sexually assaulted by a 23 year old when you’re 16 and basically have no idea what the fuck they’re on about?

This young man has life-threatening depression.

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Agreed. Whole place knows.

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So we’re agreed it wasn’t rape

he’s getting all kinds of cyber bullying, being called a rape victim… He’s not emotionally mature enough for all this… If it was a 16 year old girl lads here would lose their shit.


What’s it’s not rape if the victim feels some automatic arousal response? A sad day for Sidney Waddell fans everywhere.

Have you considered that the above could be because you’re a closet homosexual?

A woman can’t commit rape in the generally accepted sense of the term, mate

Penetration is a prerequisite for rape

You can’t penetrate with a fanny

That’s victim blaming. I was a victim.

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It seems like you’d like to re-write the laws of the land according to what you think they should be. I suppose that’s fair enough. We all would a bit. I guess that’s why we have laws. And a teacher preying on a kid that age is illegal. It really doesn’t matter what you think. It’s rape. Mostly cos she was in a position of power. I’m sure he enjoyed it at the time. Id say he regrets it now. But it’s still rape.

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You’re only a victim of your own closet homosexuality

Please log in on the Closet Homosexuality thread I started in 2012

I’m a victim of sexual assault without my consent carried out by a woman. You are casting aspersions over my sexuality when I am an asexual.

You are victim blaming.

She wasn’t found guilty of rape, mate

Who’s making up stuff, again? :grin:

What was she found guilty of?

Why don’t you look it up yourself, mate?

Take some personal responsibility

I’m not really that pushed mate, you’re the one going out of your way to defend a paedophile. I thought you’d know what she was found guilty of offhand

Defilement of a child.

Defilement of a minor.

Which paedophile is that?

If you’re not that pushed why are you posting?

I do

I don’t necessarily have to tell somebody who wades into a thread without knowing the barest fact about the case

Maybe you should ask @Juhniallio

He claims he knows

It seems bizarre that you’d like to argue about what statutory rape is. Feel free to look up the definition if you don’t believe me.(consensual sex with a minor …)

It’s weird that you felt it was not only ok but righteous to claim a rape in a contested case where a witness suggested consensual sex And the jury agreed but you decided otherwise.

In this case the defendant offered the defence that she thought the legal age was 16. It’s 17. She had sex with a minor. She now acknowledges this and has expressed remorse. But sure I’m sure you’re right somewhere. because you keep saying you are.

groomed a child and raped him.