Tom Humphries thread

Irish law, as we well know, in terms of sentencing is an ass.

So you now agree with me that character references are relevant. Thanks.

Dice this anyway you want dickhead and you can continue to post reams of scutter as normal - you’re in favour of character references for child sex abusers and defended the actions of those who just provided these, thus in favour of more lenient sentences of said abusers. You’re a weirdo and a creep to boot. Carry on.


In a country that has a horrendous record of protecting children from child sex predators. You couldn’t make it up.


I’ll buy limerick gaa off pj.


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No response in 6 hours. He must be seething as he formulates a response


Mac is a poster in decline. It’s best he deletes his account and rebrands.

Id agree with you sentence is too lenient. Do you think a long sentence is a real deterrant for someone that way inclined though? Like TH knew here that if he was caught his life was over and he would be a pariah for the rest of his days, and he still did it. So not sure the threat of a longer prison sentence would have ever been a factor in his decision making.

Is frightening to think he will be on streets again in a few years though. I couldnt be convinced that any of these paedos are ever rehabilitated tbh

Chemical castration would sort a lot of it out

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Fact. If a fella volunteered for it he could get a bit of time off his sentence maybe

It actually wouldn’t.

Its actually only years of intesive rehab therapy that works.

Some psychologists believe it could make someone worse as they wouldn’t even be able to fantasize etc

I am very uncomfortable with the whole Humphries saga. This is not a guy whon had a gambling addiction and robbed a bank or something to try and fix it. This is not a once off crime caused by some stupid decision or action . I can understand something like a character reference for an " impulse crime" Humphries groomed his victim over a time period. He knew what he was at. He set himself and objective and 16000 text messages later finally achieved his goal. Two years in jail will not “relieve” him of his tendencies. No amount of counselling will either. This is in his dna. Castrate the cunt. I’d nearly prefer to see him walking the streets straight after that then serving his two years

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I’ll take your word for it Kev. I’d still cut his nuts off though

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All of the studies conducted demonstrate that chemical treatment greatly reduces the urge and obsession with sex (whatever the deviancy being treated) and more importantly greatly reduce the frequency to repeat offend. The largest study done at Johns Hopkins found less than 10% had committed sexual offenses five years after treatment when other studies show paedophiles released from prison repeat offend as much as 90%.
There is no such evidence from therapy, if you have some post it up.

I agree it’s questionable whether longer sentences act as a deterrent, other than obviously keeping the person off the streets. IMO protecting children should be the focus, and from what we know of those that abuse children, they are very likely to re offend. Protecting children from predators should be the primary focus of the justice system, not what is “fair” to the convicted.

thats a clamping

Another self-unaware simpleton out to demolish the rule of law in favour of justice based on whatever your “feelings” are.

The mask slips so easily from you lot. :grin:


Is a character reference not an expression of how one person “feels” about another. Did Walsh not say that Humphries was a “fine man” is that not somebody expressing their feelings?