Tommy Tiernan

He is actually quite funny. Worth a follow on twitter

Tommy latest missive is a decent ramble on the bible, god, lessons and life. Not any funny moments but a good side-step to all the current shite out we’re all occupying our minds with. Out for a walk at lunch yesterday, I found it a decent cleanse.

That was a catchy auld tune your man wrote for them.

It was very clever.
The podcast above is a different one

I was impressed tbf

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No I mean’t Tommy’s one alone. Not the 3 of them.

Yeah I know. Sorry wires crossed. The tune was the one from three of them.

I must give the one you linked a listen. Haven’t come across it before.

Might be a bit heavy, but just something different.
And the fact he’s not slurping on a vape every 2 minutes adds to it also!

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:joy: :joy:

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Sean Boylan on now

One long rambling story

According to the 2 Johnnies, it’s about a one hour interview that gets edited down to 15 minutes.

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There’s a great mystique around Sean Boylan. Uplifting point at the end there where himself and Tommy offer hope that Meath will come again as a footballing force.

Sean is looking old. Him and Micko shoving on, time waits for no man.

Great great man.

That’s probably being kind to those two lads though.

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Tommy is very fond of the lads. That’s how it works for everyone.

A decent sort

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He is a good guy.

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Sean Boylan is the Phil Jackson of the GAA


Meath were very foolish to politely oust him in 2005. He had belief that he could mould another fine team with the likes of Stephen Bray. His autobiography was a good read.