Toms Mulligan RIP

I heard some GAA guy had died this morning but I presumed it was an older guy in his 70s or whatever.

Horrible to head of someone like that dying at 30. He was a decent footballer back when he was on the county panel. Apparently he had played a senior football game on Sunday morning and then watched the game in Croke Park also.

I remember going to the Hill 16 pub after Dublin lost to Armagh maybe 4 years ago. He hadn’t a great game that day - think he was a sub - but he came into the pub anyway on his own. Weird and you wouldn’t get it anymore with Dublin because they stick together as a group now but back then they’d all just wander home from the game themselves.

Saw it in the Herald at lunchtime.

Very sad stuff.

Ar dheis D go raibh a anam.