Tonight's TV - Continuation of earlier drivel

Decent programme on bbc1 about photographers in the North during the troubles.

Liam wasn’t going to chance the vaccine but he was perfectly happy to let a baldy cunt with a goatee beard and bolts of in his eyebrows go at him with a needle and ink in a backstreet off Capel St.


More shame for FFG here

Some conman this Russell lad. What were the dpp doing not prosecuting?

Shocking. I really hope the Bar and the Gardai are held to ccount here. (Obviousy I know that will never happen)

Had friends in higher places protecting him?

Well connected in FFG circles

Russell would have been an outlier when he was in the Law Library. An IRA/SF man. They’d be a rare enough breed down there.

What a thieving cunt

The establishment are more rattled by tonights expose then I thought. Maybe some justice might come of it after all…

Russell was struck off nearly 9 years ago at the start of 2012. Its rare enough for a barrister to be struck off as unlike solicitors they don’t typically handle clients monies.

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Willie doing the Leo there. Pretending he has nothing to do with the government :sweat_smile:

The GOAT up next

The BAR need to be accountable

The DPP not going any further with Russell in 2015 - had Russell some info on something else that he could trade off?

What the fuck has he done with the 8 million?

How did he escape a gang of vigilantes sorting him out at some stage?

I was thinking that myself. How did he not get a serious beating?

In fairness as far as decision making goes he doesn’t

@Fitzy s alma mater on Nationwide here. Heartwarming tale about 6 hand balling singing brothers. They referenced the music program in FCJ which I think Fitzy mentioned before.

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The pride of Limerick the lovely Celia Holman Lee on Nationwide after the break.

@Phil_Leotardo is that Catherine OHalloran on Claire Byrne!?

Edit… It is…