Tonight's TV - Continuation of earlier drivel

Now there’s a good one. Go on? Didn’t he found Ardmore?

What more do you need to know?

So, once and for all, who did shoot Michael Collins? (

Fake news. The Irish Times was also run by a British spy at this time, Major McDowell.

I agree. We’ll take it to PM.

Two Guns McCarthy shot Collins

Cc @Funtime

Claire Byrne is going to have Adam Nolan (former Olympic Boxer) on with a ‘warning for us all’ about fire in the home.

He tweeted this a few weeks back. Claires researchers really must operate in the bottom of the barrel

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Claire will be taking on those evil bastards dancing in Salthill as well as talking to a special guest TFK poster, ie someone who thinks the virus doesn’t exist, tonight

Crossy is alright

Verona looking filthy on tv3 there


Niall Collins Minister for Skills. :grinning::grinning:


Intel site only opened last week seemingly

It’s like when they gave the lad who couldn’t speak Irish the Gaeltacht ministry

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Shay Healy programme now is some throwback

How long has Sarah MacInerny been on Prime Time? She’s giving Eoin O’Broin plenty of it at the moment

Last month or so is all.

Sarah’s style seems to revolve around continually interrupting whoever is talking

A “vulture fund” buying a whole development seems all sorts of wrong

Mainly when they’re avoiding answering the question or just throwing out nonsense. This a great aul discussion. No idea who the third lad is but he’s been shown up as a buffoon anyway

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