Tonight's TV - Continuation of earlier drivel

Is there anything in it we didn’t know already?

Fionnuala wasn’t always a blimp.


Noticed that alright.

James Reilly is a detestable cunt.


I know a lad who’s parents were at the taping of that show,fuckin disaster he says,took about 7/8 hours to tape.They’d be halfway through a song an some auld cunt would squak cut cos the drummer missed a beat and they’d have to start all over again.It was the same for every song,had to restart 4/5 times each,enthusiasm fairly waned after a while.

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Is Enda Kenny the luckiest Politican alive in the Western World?

I suppose the dead ones wouldnt count themselves as lucky.

It’s truly bizarre the run of luck he has had in Politics.

You make your own luck.

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The lady from the Iona Institute on Brendan o’Connor is as beautiful a middle aged woman Iv seen in TV for a very long time.

How many middle-aged women have you seen?

She’s attractive alright. Her Iona institute connection some what of a turn off

Deirdre O Kane talks like she’s had a stroke.

It could be the botox look thats doing that.

You have a way with words

Moncrieff never opened his mouth on this. I presume he picked up his cheque nonetheless

This epidemic of Country and Irish music on our national television channels is very disheartening. It should be sent back to its natural home on Shannonside Radio.

RTE 2 after 9 pm each night is some cuntfest.

isnt it fucking some laugh…


who are these weirdoes on the brendan o connor thing?
ok FOTF Niamh Horan was on it one night but since then its been a man from mayo who wears woman’s underwear last week, some trolloppe who was on about being eyed up by men as she entered trinity college who just wanted sex and then this yoke on about wanting to abort foetaii* ad lib…
O Connor preening away then the cunt

plural of foetus?, radius, radii, etc