Tonight's TV - Continuation of earlier drivel


Tommy was cutting her apart until O’Connor remembered who was lining his pockets






Tom McGuirk for the first time in his life has spoke sense on national television albeit on Tv3.

What did he say ??

Tommy is only hanging for a row here

Said Hilary led the democrats into the Iraq invasion and the war in Libya.

Also quoted Nato surrounding Russia over the last 15 years in Georgia and the Ukraine since Bill Clinton told Gorbachav otherwise.

Basically he reckons Trumps victory is great for world peace.

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Well said Tom

He’s an alright sort after that.

Is there anyone out there that isn’t/wasn’t bullied and/or depressed?

I think @Bandage bullied me but I’m not sure.

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I have been bullying @artfoley for about 5 years now


Not often I’d agree with Norah, but it’s part of growing up. Everyone gets it at some stage.

Heartbreaking listening to niamh Horan here about being bullied in her youth.
She is a tough cookie now tho having come thru that.
That rotten bastard Tommy tiernan squirming sitting beside her having spent the first part of the show attempting to bully her.


The snowflake generation are too soft.

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Niamh Horan is a nasty cunt. She’d say anything to win an argument

I wouldn’t worry about it. He’s probably not sure either

Niamh bullying fat people now. A hypocritical geebag.