Tonight's TV - Continuation of earlier drivel

Fuck off, would you.

Watching Keelin Shanley here with the sound down listening to Leonard Cohen. Jaysus the body language suggests she is awfully pleased with herself.

Keelin concentrating very hard here, but I think she understands the point.

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Did he make you cry fagan?.Did he say goodbye?

A good show. I’m going to be bombarded with questions in the morning from security “experts”.

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Think before you click.
Think before you click.
Think before you click.

If in doubt, just X out

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Claire looking a bit haggard tonight.

Gaydawn on now.

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The lad behind Gaydawn looks like a mass murderer.

The whole of the Irish media had a bad week. They were GAZTRUMPED !!!

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TomMcGurk think we should leave the EU.

When is the hurlin back?

Haggrid on now.

This cunt Colleran on now.

Senator Gaydawn like a boss here. Pointing fingers and everything.

Tom Mcguirk gave him a nice dig there

The country is fucked

Some waffle coming out of him. The reason people are turning against established politicians is because they don’t give a fuck about the people and would sell their souls to look after their own nest and their contributors.

Is that that cunt Gary Gannon on now.