Tonight's TV - Continuation of earlier drivel

Maybe I am

Niamh may well be in negative equity hell as well. She doesn’t do as much bleating about it as AOR did anyways

Very ignorant comment. You are clearly an ignoramus who can’t accept a strong woman having priorities in her life that don’t involve ‘standing for the bull’.

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You pay women to “stand for the bull” you fuckin cunt.

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Strong confident women intimidate you. I can see you, the country is full of backward simpletons going home in their wellingtons to give their aul crature a ‘good bulling’


I love confident women pal,I don’t like cunts.

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Niamh cleaning house here. What a woman.

I prefer Doc Martins myself. Brings me back to my youth. Plus you get a better grip on the floor

That little pimple on Vogue’s left lip is very attractive.

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An absolute gem of a young lady. Would love to go for a cup of coffee with her.

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Didn’t see the cunt fest but is this the Sindo magazine in midweek TV .

No-one else watching the kinehan show?

yeah. Some frightening footage. It’s a good programme in fairness

No mention of their friends in limerick, pallasgreen and kilrush

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It was refreshing to watch a gangland doc without Paul Williams ruining it by acting the hard man. Here he comes now though


Yeah, I have switched over when I saw that cunt on the screen

It was a load of pointless bollocks.

Similar to most of your contributions here so.


Citizen Khan now on BBC, its brilliant, a paki version of Mrs Browns Boys

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Fuck it anyway. Escape from Alcatraz on Sky greats there. Missed the first hour of it