Tonight's TV - Continuation of earlier drivel

He’s an ape



I hate the Munster Rugby Franchise far more then the game itself.

I strongly dislike the fact that our supposed national team refuse to sing our national anthem and the elitist aspect to the game in general.

I also don’t like how dangerous the game has become for kids.

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Won’t somebody think of the children :rollseyes:

Luckily they did up in St Munchins college during the week.

I’m not trying to wind you up, the game results in too many injuries.

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It is bust,nothing but repeats since xmas


Sweep that brush kid.

McWilliams point is valid…the state should be building houses.

You can’t let the market, developers dictate it.

Beautiful Affair :ronnyroar:

Duel was on the horror ch earlier,a top top film

Is that the one bout the lorries?

Yeah the lad in the lurry that you never see

That’s a great movie.


Spielberg’s directorial debut.

Indeed it was

No not RTE , we are talking Irish TV .

Mrs Doubtfire on Ch4+1 now.

Dessie Dolans wife is a right roaster, she’d still get it though