Tonight's TV - Continuation of earlier drivel

House is huge.
She’s a cracker.

@Massey what do you think of the timber frame houses? Would you trust um?

Depends on the builder. Great job very quick.

Kellys a bit dim,no surprise shes a teacher

And a Pat’s fan

Ya, mate of mine out one up a couple of weeks ago. Started in January and already being roofed.


Full house or extension? Cheaper than block?

This cunt is mad into cladding

Full house.
He’s in the construction game himself. I’d say it was the speed was the deciding factor.

Yeah definitely way faster.

How can this lad decide half way through building that he wants cladding? Wouldn’t that have had to be in the planning application?

We used to have a shed at home that looked like that award winning house in London. Grand for a bit of the house but some gammy looking yoke for all of it


Assume the cladding/facade needs planning permission so it’s dramatic licence to show a big decision around it.

The Westmeath accent is not attractive at all. She’d definitely get it though


Magnificent lookin house alright


You’re married what a month and you’re already thinking about riding other women.


Who owned the kid they were with earlier?

Too much white

Nice alright, not sure about the shed on the second floor though

It seems to be all corners and not many large open spaces.

Plus, why would anyone build a house that borders a train track

The kid will make shit of it