Tonight's TV - Continuation of earlier drivel

Pub for me then .

You wait to see who’s on Ray D’Arcy before making your Saturday night plans? :anguished:

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God no.

I wonder how much Lar is charging?

D’Arcy right now. Tipp roasters. :joy:


Two utter cunts

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The two Johnnies. Rubber Johnnies.

They have you rattled anyway, replying to yourself :joy:

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Pity they didn’t end up in one. (Or two)


The 2 Johnnies are sound men

What’s your problem?

I’ve the sound down now watching Magella. Some fine big lump of a girl there got married. The priest got plenty of the stirabout as well.

Why the fuck was Lar wheeled out tonight to conduct the same interview he has undertaken about three times previously on RTE?

He is very nervous

Lar can’t understand how the Super 8 will work in the football championship.

This Amanda one is fit but ugly. She has a Jimmy Hill

Dodgy vodka will do that to you

The Dirty Dozen on TCM+1 now,stone cold classic

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How much did these people on RTÉ pay for Francis Brennan to ruin their holiday?

**[quote=“Massey, post:1829, topic:22251, full:true”]
The Dirty Dozen on TCM+1 now,stone cold classic

Will never be anything but a classic chief. Unbelievable film

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