Tonight's TV - Continuation of earlier drivel

Some clown of an auctioneer here in Galway.


Rugby’s Peter O’Mahony the winning bidder.

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Large lady getting married here on Don’t tell the Bride.

Colm will get the ride of his life here tonight.

Blathnaid is lovely.

Top of the Pops 1983 on BBC4 now.

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The fathers day one of American dad is on fox

V interesting show on now about the Mayans on Discovery, sky channel 520.

Last episode of documentary series on RTE about property market tonight. Excellent if thoroughly depressing viewing. Should be required viewing for teenagers before they leave school. Life is fucking grim if you are low income and reliant on private rental market, if you have kids multiply that by 50.

People need to consider moving to rural areas in that situation and at least have security of decent local authority house or long term rental scheme

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Quick question for you chief. I’m on a tracker but I’ve being paying an average of 300 over the odds for the last 7 or 8 years. On the off chance I ever needed to get my hands on a few bob would I be able to draw down some of that. It’s not needed I’m just wondering might that option be available

I doubt it, but I’d imagine you must have some equity in the house so you might be able to get an equity release against it. But you’d be paying 3 or 4% on it.

Bad news for you mike, your house is in Kilkenny and so it’s practically worthless.


Depends on who you are with. Unlikely though. Last thing bank wants is increase size of tracker loan.

KBC used to allow you withdraw any overpaid funds at a few days notice but discontinued for new customers. Not sure if any of others allow it

Ulster bank. Funds aren’t needed and at the end if the day I know I’ll have knocked a few years off it anyway so it’s much of a muchness. Basically what happened was when I took out the tracker it was at whatever rate it was but as rates came down I kept up the same payment as

  1. They will rise at some stage.
  2. I’d been paying it for a few years before the crash anyway so if I wasn’t missing it there was no need to reduce it.

3 It will shorten the length of the mortgage.

Some Insurance cunt making a dick of himself


I hate that prick - he’s been on TV many times before and always uses the same tactic.

The lawyer prick got the better of the insurance cunt

Does @cluaindiuic & @Julio_Geordio work in insurance ? I assume they do.wankers

Nope, I’m a nerd. Obviously

Cunt-off between David Quinn and Una Mullally commencing on Prime Time now.

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Maria Walsh was on The Restaurant there last night. She was looking gorgeous, a woeful waste of a woman

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