Top 10 Google Searches directing to TFK

mickee, we’d hate to lose you but we understand if you want to go into witness protection.

All from the Dublin area Mickee. A surprising number from a particular suburb oddly enough. And not an ad clicked between the lot of them.

The weird thing is this isn’t people typing “mickee 321 cobh” into google and just seeing TFK results and leaving it be. It’s people typing that into google and then clicking through to TFK as though that’s what they were looking for. So it doesn’t strike me as people on here googling you.

You put a google hook on your site and it captures the data.


could you narrow that down to a street name rocko, appartment number if necessary?

Afraid not. It must be where there’s a large telecoms exchange though as we get a fair few visitors from that suburb.

Go on and tell us where

nah , ill stay put here, that program seemed to mess up that Venebles lad, im safer on here i’d say

I would, but it would take a while, Rocko could get their way faster with his analytics account!

There are ways of getting the exact address, but you’d want a good contact in Eircom/Cops.

Its obvious its Malahide anyway Mickee.

cheers mate.
just to claify, by “suburb” are we talking a town / hinterland / area / particular estate name / appartment complex…
ive passed this data onto a few people in jerusalim and they’ll be in contact with you in the next few minutes to thrash out the specifics if we are unable to reach a resolution here

That is very wrong.

But funny.

malahide isnt a suberb- its a principlaity

And your the Queen…

& your a serf

I trained with Sylvester’s a few times ncc, but i don’t think that makes me a citizen.



That site gives out some very personal information Mac, should the link be left up?


you can link into a certain members real name, address and phone number. It all public domain etc. but…

Take it down Mac, and quick. I wouldnt have a clue about this stuff and I could find it.