Top 10 Irish Restaurants (that spidey visited in a week )

Take price out of it do you think it’s better than shanahans or butchers grill to name two

Butchers grill. I’d forgotten that. That’s probably better. Or on a par. But dearer.

Shanahans is meh.

FXBs and a bottle of red and a few pints around the corner in toners and a kebab in Ishmaels is as good a night in Dublin as there is.

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Shanahan’s is overpriced and bang average anyway

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Shanahans is decent but not worth double the price - butchers grill is good but FXbs very consistent



There’s no way you’ve never gone man.

Years since iv been there …Def overpriced but far from average

I was in Lisbon and Rome in 2022.

Rome is the best city for me.

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It’s too stuffy for what it is. Bright lights and table cloths.

Yeah v pretentious alright but had an unreal feed there the couple of times I was there

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@Spidey / @TheUlteriorMotive

Have you been to boeuf? What’s the reports?

Sorry art

I’ve not been.

Have a look at Bovinity on Capel St too. I liked it.

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No - I don’t like they’ve a load of cheap influencers in bigging it up


Not exactly a positive, I agree.

Mate has booked a gang of us in for 2 weeks time so I’ll be going anyway. At least they have rump steak

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Good luck to them. An odd pair but they run a tight ship in the Strand.

Do good food.

Priced a wedding there… he knows how to charge…

I’ve a pal the same that loves it. What’s the appeal over other cuts, volume?

I prefer the taste of rump, if done right, over other cuts