Top Gangland Boss Shot Dead

The stress of it clearly isn’t affecting the appetites.

@Tegman the rat spreading lies here

Keyboard warrior is all ya are

You’re a marked man

Ur a fucking sham

No he’s from Laois pal.

These are shams /

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He’s used the word sham a few times now. Hardly a word of some supposed hard man/keyboard warrior from Crumlin, although the fact he’s semi illiterate would suggest that he could be

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Are the Gardai making much of an inroad with the Kinahans? Seems to have been a good few arrests and seizures of late.

Glen Ward (Mr Flashy) got arrested over the weekend I think

Is he a rival or an underling?

He would be the head of one of their regional divisions.

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I see the gardai almost had a ‘The Departed’ style infiltration of the ranks lately or that’s how the tabloids are spinning it anyway. You can choose your friends but not your family and all that jazz. Be interesting to see how this plays out.

As long as he doesn’t have access to Pulse there should be no issue.

They can’t really stop him can they? Surely he could sue the bollox off them if they did

No real details revealed yet from what I can see. The story in the sun I saw about it seems to have disappeared.

He must be a divil for the drink

Brother of Gerry ‘The Monk’ Hutch dies in hospital after stairs fall

Anyone got the whatsapp of your man doing the lie detector test

He passed