Top Gangland Boss Shot Dead

I was there last year. Don’t get the fuss about it. It’s as low rent as many Spanish resorts. Puerto Banus was covered in cops. Never saw as many at any holiday resort. I think they were anti terrorist rather than anti gangland.

Were they Irish Gardaí :wink:

He’s no longer in the restaurant business so?

Don’t think he ever was really to be fair

Bomber Kavanagh got three years in the UK for possessing a stun gun.

He’d have got a €100 fine over here.

the beach is very nice
you’d never stay in a caravan park obvioulsy, jesus man
we go to the beach there a lot if it’s a day for it… its a lot better than bettystown or laytown as they’re packed with dybs

is he james hatchet kavanagh’s brother the fella who was clipped a few years back - father of a boxer?
cc @Tegman

I think his brother in law got whacked in that hotel a few years back by the Hutches. Thats what kicked the whole thing off

I can’t make head nor tail of this post.

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Re:socialite caught with heroin

Poor Mark against his name. On his Sweeney Todd now.

Who’s the photo of there?

Not sure we’re allowed name names on here hence my cryptic message above. Fella in photo is Katy French ex , reportedly caught up in that drug bust yday

Ah right. Not heard of him. Thought it was Johnny logan :grimacing:


Was that always only a front ?

Guess the summer holidays are over.

Thank God I’m not the only one, thought it was a photo of Michael Flatley from the early 90s. :smile::smile:

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Related for the big feud ? .

I think this is the guy we got wind of a couple of weeks back …
