Top Gangland Boss Shot Dead




I wonder is @KinvarasPassion referring
to the WhatsApp message that’s going around saying one of the Kinahans got shot over in Spain. The accompanying video is in fact the video from the shooting in Libya.


RIP Tegman

Thanks for clarifying that CP. It was my chance at a TFK exclusive and I wasnt going to miss it.

We go again.


It was already posted two nights ago :grinning:
It was fake news then and it’s fake news now.

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Was he the lad that was chased through a Lidl a few months ago?

No, a different fella

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There looks to have been a price on his head such is the level of persistence applied.
I suppose some lad needed a few quid before Christmas and eliminating Wayne will provide a new telly and a few I-phones. Bidness be Bidness after all.

And with black Friday coming the few quid would come in handy

Kinahans down!

Ah here

I meant to say down with the Kinihans

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Man down in Coolock.

Possibly linked to the fued in Drogheda. A few of the main players are from Coolock.

Is Mr Big involved?

Eoin Boylan I think.