Top Gangland Boss Shot Dead

Any sign of the Monk? Will he ever return? His nephew from the Regency went totally to ground after the trial.

Toiling away in the kitchen with the Capuchins, a great man to rattle up a stew I hear.

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He’s closer than you think

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He’s in Clonard

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That’s a lovely looking church.


Clonard monastery

A grand looking spot for a chap to liberate his Soul of all his Covid confessions

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It really is a beautiful building.

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Place of solace for many in the troubles and helped kick start the peace process

I’m surprised some fleg waving clod didn’t put a brick through the window.
Have you any photos of inside?

Naw but my bud will,they do a Latin mass weekly there I’ll ask him to snap off a few

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FFS I’m away behind, with the fecking virus’that’s shagged,but he may have some already

They’ve an interactive tour

Gangland activities involving the seizure of marching powder today in Mullingar.
Further updates as @Bod95 peeps out from behind the galvanised sheeting.


‘‘Twas all kicking off yesterday afternoon place raided was less than 1/2 a mile from my present location. Moving to a more upmarket😉 location at the end of next week.


that robbie lawler lads mother lives around the corner from me, he was living there for a while. he was richie carbery’s brother in law who lived in bettystwon. laytown bettystown is full of sucm I tells ya

Myself and two mates once lived next door to a girlfriend of the Viper. We discovered shortly after we moved in her connections via another mate whose father was a cop. We were warned our cars could be confused with him and his associates cars and to be a bit careful.

Whenever she complained about the music being too loud we wouldn’t turn it down, we’d turn it off.



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Sorry. I forgot everybody on the northside is used to living like that.