Top Gangland Boss Shot Dead

They made a meal of it. Shooter’s da passed away 13 months ago. Both with the angles now. :triangular_ruler:


well done

I suppose La belle Helene along with Rascal will be along shortly to tell us all that Dublin is still safe​:clown_face::clown_face:

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Not enough of a bitch it seems

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Once they are killing each other it’s grand.


Imagine talking to Lugs Branigan like that


What are the steaks like in that gaff @Spidey ? Is it worth a visit?

Risky. Steaks are a bit high to be dining in there.

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Sounds like the hit wasn’t very well done.

Incidents like that would be rare, but the restaurant itself is of medium quality.


Bring your own knife I’d say. They’ll be short a few till the investigation is over.

A massive massive miss/steak(knife)

Fuck him and all druggies


Not bad. One of the first to do the steak on a stone gimmick. Minus marks for having no bearnaise sauce. They did a great cote du bouef deal with sides and two glasses of wine for €50. You had to ask them to butterfly it before you arrived though. Maybe that’s what the punters did to the shooter last night.

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For sure.Imagine kids with their families witnessing the shooters last few moments.


The steak comes with free shots

Rough video floating about of the blanch killing. His face is clearly visible and definitely the same guy. Pants pulled down. He allegedly was given the knife up the arse Gaddafi treatment. What a way for a young fella to leave this world.

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Hiring a hitman named Tristan was never going to end well


His granny’s gaff in finglas was torched within a half hour of the shooting.