Top Gangland Boss Shot Dead

It was going onto a boat for Oz wasnt it?

Is this linked I wonder

I read another article where it says it wasn’t

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“I don’t know what street you buy your cocaine on but it’s not the same street I buy my cocaine on”.

Sgt. Gerry Boyle.


Any truth to the rumours about a certain shop in ncw?

It’s true


Hopefully that pretentious furniture shop at the top of the town

Yep, theres an auld doll in my office from North Cork. Some wan for the goss. Wrong as often as shes right, but states everything like its 100% factual.

Was blathering on today about dis and dat one and wait till u hear. F***ng a dose she is

As a friend would say, you make it up and I’ll spread it.

I dunno :man_shrugging:t2:

The fella testing them is having a hard time figuring out what is real and what isn’t

Must be smoking the stuff. Like the old Petit Filous ad from years ago

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They’ll scrape him down off the roof and get a proper answer soon enough I’m sure


Great to get the cert issued

If you haven’t been accused of money laundering in North Kerry this week you’d be badly insulted. Anyone who ever made a few bob is linked.

Supposedly half of Ballymac is under shovel.

Armed Guards all over Tralee.




Clearly decent people here have been led astray by rough townie sorts (potentially from Limerick) and a load of spicaroos.

I’m no lawyer, but there must clearly be instances of undue influence or coercion here. There were yardies in Limerick last year remember.

Those poor, poor men and woman whose businesses have been infiltrated by these vulgarians. Having to launder and spend all of those tens of millions. A sad day, you just don’t wake up in the morning and start off this craic.

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Its the children left alone in large one-off houses with probably only granny I’d be worried about. There could be hard time here,18 months, 2 years even.

What body are they looking for? Is it the mexican lad?