Top Threads in Tfk History

As there is so much shite posted on here I think its time to revist the classic threads of the past. I was thinking that if there are enough “classic” threads that a poll could be set up to decide what really was the best.

Ill start with the Puke has lost it thread. Groundbreaking.

The Puke has lost it -

the 8th gary twigg thread

Thoroughly enjoyed some of the stories on Tales from the Brothel. Wimbledon 88 or 89 in particular sticks in my mind.

Most popular threads on TFK:

By number of posts:

Horse Racing
Things that are wrong
Celeb Spotting
Tonights TV
Limerick GAA
Greyhound Racing
Lovely Ladies

Good to see knacker ball doesn’t feature anywhere on either the top 10 threads by either views or posts


most viewed is the lovely ladies :stuck_out_tongue: