Tottenham Hotspur, the Ryan Mason variant

Iā€™m out.


Time for Scott Parker

Spurs are broke


The stadium was some vanity project in fairness.

The beer taps fill from the bottom. Unreal!

Conte wanted to win and that obviously spooked Spurs


Levi strung this along to get the suckers to renew the season tickets before yesterdayā€™s deadline. He had no intention of ever giving Antonio what he needed and used him as a pawn. Conte is far too big for Spuds in any case.

Fabio Paratici sounds like a fake name. It sounds like something Freddie Scapaticci would use in the witness protection programme.

Would they not give him a less Italian sounding name? It being witness protection.


Have you money on it?

Youā€™ve a dangerous obsession with gambling these days fella.

Tisnt dangerous for me

We need a British manger. Not one of these hipster names from the Pub League, Serie A.

Iā€™d sack this new Director of Football chap as well. He hasnā€™t done a good job so far.

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Who oversaw his appointment?

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Itā€™s hard to get good staff. This Paratici chap was talked up to the last for all heā€™d supposedly done as Director of Football at Juventus. First job Chairman Levy gives him to hire a new manager and heā€™s presided over this shambles. Thatā€™s what Chairman Levy gets for delegating. At this stage Chairman Levy will have to step in himself and oversee the appointment of a new manager.

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Youā€™ve been saying for years that Serie A is a pub league. Are you saying that Daniel Levy doesnā€™t know this?