Tottenham Hotspur, the Ryan Mason variant


Did i miss much?

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A meltdown by the Chairman

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I sure am sorry i missed that.

Did you make the trek down south with the Yid Army tonight?

Fact check please @Thomas_Brady

I wouldn’t go near Thornton Heath, its like going into the Congo

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The place in Newport? Great spot


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Sounded like an ugly hard fought 1-0 win over third tier Portsmouth in the FA Cup 3rd round.

Last time we beat Portsmouth in the Cup was 1991. Our name is surely on the Cup.


Prior to 1991, Spurs previous meeting with Portsmouth in the FA Cup was in 1967. Our name is surely on the Cup this year.

Are you heading to the Lane tomorrow @Tassotti?

No mate, I’m off for a 10 miler soon


Knock me over with a feather. Spurs concede first yet again within the first 15 minutes and courtesy of yet another Lloris howler.

We’ll always have Palace away to remember, great times and only about 10 days ago :+1::+1:

Conte shouldn’t last long beyond this, thankfully. We’ll start to improve once we get a progressive manager who promotes an attacking style of play in the best traditions of Tottenham Hotspur.

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Potter should be available shortly

It’s amazing Conte has done so well with this bunch of shapers

Ryan Mason is available now to keep things ticking over.

They say you’d need your head examined to manage Spurs. The perfect man for the job