Traitors to the Irish people - Covid-19 Edition

never mind that moron

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Good to see that teacher keeping busy

Catch yourself on

**[quote=“Heyyoubehindthebushes, post:474, topic:30744, full:true”]
Civil servants


tenor (48) **

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Let it be remembered the people right on this issue and the people utterly wrong.

Do you know any of these Monkstown Jesus freaks @Tim_Riggins

There is no right and wrong. It’s choices. Those choices will be judged by history.

I hope we do analyse this when it’s all over. Id worry about spike in cancer deaths due to postponed and cancelled treatment because the only metric that is counted now is Covid.

Can you direct and should you direct all healthcare resources to a disease that only (99.9%) kills old people and people with underlying conditions and sacrifice all other healthcare.

It’s an ethical discussion for a future date but there needs to be some analysis of decisions and what would be done differently and consequences of delaying and postponing cancer and other treatments for people and closing down all non Covid healthcare.


Never encountered them, always seemed an odd spot. I’m not sure how many Christian Brothers are left but I always assumed they made up a lot of their parishioners as the majority of them were bolted across the road.

Gemma and Waters.

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TFK forumites day out at Hazel Chu’s place yesterday?

Ever search “smash in her back doors”?

Thundering gobshites

Anyone even considering a summer holiday before 2022

Would you not be happy going to Kerry?

People should holiday within their 5k

Staycation again for people in Ireland. General Holohan decreed it last night

Two of the best footballers of the year treat GGA as a hobby.

Yet these cunts held training when we are in. lockdown


Treacherous traiterous bastards. That Tally fella is a right cunt, and well the other lad is from Cork.

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If they wish they can, but I imagine Ireland will be in Level 2 for the Summer.