Traitors to the Irish people - Covid-19 Edition

Banty will have to quarantine for 12 weeks in one of his hotels.

The passing of the dossier to McEntee in Meath was a clever smokescreen

Bit of a scandal involving Banty about a month ago. Some chancer with a left-wing podcast did an episode about Bantyā€™s direct provision centre, accusing him of having broken windows and sub-standard conditions. The poor refugees are forced to sleep 2 in a bed said the podcast. The phrase ā€œyou wouldnā€™t house an animal in those conditionsā€ may or may not have been used. These allegations are the talk of Carrickmacross. Iā€™m told by people whoā€™ve been to the centre that the podcast was nonsense.

I hope Banty sues the bollocks off the cheeky pups, mostly just because a few minutes later the same host started going on about PUP and the 5km lockdown and said that because the 5km lockdown and eviction freeze were linked in law, anyone who wanted to lift the 5km wanted all the poor people to get evicted and made it sound like they were all evil conspirators.

It was behind a paywall, I forget his name.

The banty empire is vast. He has his grubby little fingers in many pies alongside DP.

Asked if other collective training sessions took place with different players prior to 31 March, Rock responded: ā€œThe investigation was made by the GAA and the relevant authorities. They were happy with the investigation.

ā€œThereā€™s no point in me going into it now. But they have their report and the investigation done. So thatā€™s not for me to comment on.ā€

Canā€™t say fairer than that.

Especially when you donā€™t say anything

Exactly. Unlike the managers last weekend who were lying.


Attaboy Shep

The Hiaces are circling.

@endakenny @peddlerscross

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Anyone going to Croke park this weekend. Dr Holohan has asked people to revisit their plans for this weekend and nobody seems to be listening

As Tony requested, Iā€™ve revised my plans and will be attending Croke Park.

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Just the one ticket then?

They are running 5km time trials up and down Clonliffe Road from 2pm

Under 25 minutes gets you in

Tony Holohan has already had WAY too much of a say in how I socialise

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I took 4, I donā€™t want you anywhere near me