Coronavirus - Here come the variants

Told ye earlier today.

Long live the fear

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Gonna need more hotel rooms. A lot more.

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You still think youā€™re getting away this summer?

By this weekend theyā€™ll be talking about caps on entry. Nailed on.

They couldnā€™t organise Quarantine properly for a couple of hundred people - thereā€™s not a fucking chance theyā€™ll be able to do it for thousands.

This is the same Department that has no track-record of delivery and at the same time is supposed to be in vaccine ā€œramp-upā€

I guarantee Iā€™ll be flying this summer. Iā€™ve flown a number of times in the last year and I canā€™t see why I wouldnā€™t this summer.


It will be a shit show. Itā€™s going to be a long two months until the EU has the vaccine certs ready. All I hope is that this is the final nail in the coffin for this shit show of a government.

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Where and when did you fly last year?

Things are bad when Rory is our most biting satirist.

None of your business mate.

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I think you are either lying or you broke regulations.

Itā€™s a strange time for you to make this revelation.

Youā€™d want your head examined if you arenā€™t planning on getting out of here this summer palā€¦for your mental health alone ,escape this doom and gloom ā€¦


Looks like Iā€™ll be going non res. How many days we into the year?

If they think that Polish lads will stick to this they have another thing coming.

631 I think

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I doubt it will be feasible/possible. If we canā€™t get the country back open up first then you can forget foreign travel being made feasible.

If the courts donā€™t find this detaining someone from Israel whoā€™s vaccinated and has tested negative a few times for COVID, I think the world has officially gone mad

Haha. This is actually a good thing. Weā€™re near endgame now so the more batshit crazy stuff NPHET recommend and our useless, spineless, pathetic government implement the better. When sanity prevails in 6 or 12 months and we are looking back on what we have done in the last 12 months people will say never again.


Who from NPHET is gonna be first against the wall?

They wonā€™t, theyā€™ll be too busy collecting nuts and berries.

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