Traitors to the Irish people - Covid-19 Edition

Does he not understand Easter is right now and summer is in a few months ? Or are ye both that stupid that ye can’t tell the difference ?

Now now bud. You haven’t exactly covered yourself in glory on numerous threads. Don’t add this one to it

It’s time to end this barbaric industry mate

Ah so you can’t tell the difference between running a camp this Week or in July/august time? One is ok and one is a joke. Can you really not tell the difference?

And where exactly are you drawing this inferrence from? I haven’t said a word about Easter or summer camps. In spite of Madame being booked into both.

George Lee.

You see that’s where I’ve a bit of an issue. By calling him a traitor, you’re implying he has a centilla of intelligence when he is in fact a thick cunt



You’ve too much time on your hands. I’m shocking busy. Shocking fucking busy I tell you

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The plastic bag wearing cunt.


Our first traitor in 5 days! Ireland is bashing this lockdown out of the park.




Teachers unions. Fucking shameless.



Make them go back in july. When they strike sack them all no social welfare. Re hire all under new conditions, 1 month holiday extended school year and lower flat wage across all levels. Also a clause preventing unionization.

Net saving in wages to be giving to nurses. Win win

Jesus wept

What have they done now?

They’ve been sniping away since this started.