Traitors to the Irish people - Covid-19 Edition


WhatsApp group witnesses from nearby.

I passed a golf club on Wednesday and there was a group of lads belting away inside not a bother on them. Smashing day for it all the same.

What’s wrong with this? Is summer camp not July/august time?

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A lot of money being lost by clubs and coaches now by not being able to run their Easter camps.

Is it a summer camp or an Easter camp? And how the fuck are summer camps held behind closed doors? Are they not always held behind closed doors?


I would guess its an Easter camp, considering the time of year. I would also guess what they mean by “being held behind closed doors” is that the people running it and doing it without advertising the camp and only selected people are being let know. Its the horsey set they don’t give a fuck, lockdowns don’t apply to them.

Maybe @croppy_boy can confirm.

The best way to answer that question is to say it’s the start of the season. Camps usually get up and running around Easter. Depending on the type of camp it is ( and obviously weather ) would determine whether its inside or outside.

I wouldn’t know much about summer camps being honest. Theres a huge difference between a summer camp and an Easter camp but in classic tfk fashion they’ll jump on anything without the full facts being available.

Sorry yes Easter Camp.

This all sounds accurate. There’s around 20 children involved I believe.

Don’t know a whole lot about it either chief. She used to look after all that stuff

You are correct, Easter & Summer are different words. Well spotted too.

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Lack of booze M and the thought of it being good Friday for the next 4/ weeks,no pub

Theres plenty of booze around. I’d say theres a lot of lads after going to town on it and have been warned by the real boss to cut it down. They’re edgy as a result



Well that’s totally different. I’d hope all summer camps are driving on and planning to go ahead. Give kids and parents a bit of hope.

Enjoy your day @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy

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You too

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That could be the reason ( house drinking Tut Tut)
Glad I jacked it years ago

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Lovely bit of cut to you Harry. Keep it up!