Traitors to the Irish people - Covid-19 Edition

We all know @TheUlteriorMotive lusts after the deaths of less fortunates, others are now displaying similar disturbing fetishes.

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The populism worked on the likes of @Dziekanowski and @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy. Job done for Mary Lou. Policy by tweet and the usual suspects lap it up


He wonā€™t be stopped breathing in other peopleā€™s faces in queues for fish and chips, to not do that would be ā€œletting the virus winā€.

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Youā€™d want your head examined to take anything Mary Lou says seriously After this humiliation.

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It was a radio interview, did you hear it?

My point from above proven beautifully. Measures that will help save lives are now classed as ā€œpopulismā€ by the FG set here, as they admit themselves.

A real nasty eugenicist undercurrent is creeping in here big time and itā€™s horrible to see.

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Somebody pick @tallback up off the floor.

I think ā‚¬5 billion would be a great help at the moment.

I donā€™t credibly think it can come from Apple at this time. The money is legally held in an escrow account. Suggesting otherwise, in my view, is populism. Itā€™s designed to appeal to people who either donā€™t know or donā€™t want to know the complexity of the situation.

Your last comment is fairly low, even by your repeated nasty standards. Iā€™m out.


I didnā€™t, I saw the tweet. I can only hope that it was a throwaway comment by Mary lou in the heat of the moment, Iā€™m happy to hear either her retraction or clarification of detail in time.

Is her upcoming online Public Meeting free to the public or just SF members?

Yet all around the world emergency measures that under conventional wisdom were supposedly ā€œimpossibleā€, measures that you told us were impossible and told anybody who said otherwise that they were a ā€œconspiracy theoristā€, are actually being taken. Yer friend above just told us this is ā€œa war situationā€.

Imagine Churchill telling the Brits that D-Day couldnā€™t happen because ā€œsorry, chaps, canā€™t upset the captains of industryā€.

As Elizabeth Warren said, I donā€™t know why anybody would get into politics to tell people what canā€™t be done.

Youā€™ll be glad to hear she didnt say those words at allā€¦ but let the lads have their moment, they badly, badly need it

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Itā€™s time to move past this embarrassing misstep for her. Thereā€™s bigger concerns right now.

She knows simpletons like @mikehunt and @Thomas_Brady will lap that shit up.

She did. It was on radio one yesterday morning. I heard it, so I did.

I thought weā€™d moved on past this. She was foolish and itā€™s time to get past it now. But if she was misquoted Iā€™d be interesting for those saying ask much to provide the correct quote so we can all move on past this misstep.

So did I ā€¦ When discussing the money needed over the next YEAR and how they find it and get the economy going again,or rather, she said to ignite the economy again ā€¦ she said we need about 5bn and went on to say ā€™ well first off iā€™ll remind you that thereā€™s 13bn sitting in a bank accountā€™ā€™ that we could reach for some of thatā€¦ then she went on to discuss the issue at hand. She didnt directly say go demand the money . She said that every interest in the state needs to rally together, like banks, to ensure that we dont relive the 2010 scenario ā€¦

God itā€™s even worse than I thought.

Ok, time to leave this behind now. We need to move on, together.

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Are you saying that when this has passed and the country is in shite, that going after a portion of the Apple money is not even up for conversation?

Itā€™s not in the conversation now. She shouldnā€™t be discussing such things at a time of crisis. We need to buckle down and pull together now. Sheā€™s talking semi finals when Weā€™re only at round 1. But listen, sheā€™s made the mistake and itā€™s time to move on now.