Traitors to the Irish people - Covid-19 Edition

I’m not sure you’ve grasped how interviews work.

An Apple a day, it keeps the doctor away
But not until FG protect the Apple man’s pay
Sorry Mrs. Kelly, I know you’re very ill
But before you can be treated, we have to pay the bill
Coronavirus outbreak, very serious indeed
But Ireland’s top priority is profiting and greed
Our prescription for you, since you’re a very high risk group
Is lie down there like a good girl, make sure to take your soup

Demands to save more lives, they’re very unbecoming
In their arrogance, entitlement, they really are quite stunning
But let me tell a little, about how the world, it works
The real world is the one of corporate bonuses and perks
It may be inconvenient for you having this disease
But please don’t play your politics and embarrass us, oh please
Tug the corporate forelock, have a good old pray
But nothing will be let disturb the Apple man’s pay

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I was singing to that to the tune of I’m sorry Ms Jackson.

Did I get it right?

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I know @tallback likes to think his shit don’t stink
But lean a closer yeah. Blueshirts really smell like poo-poo-poo


Cap doff to both of you there for the last 2 posts.

An economist on dunphy podcast sommerville, who didn’t seem like a populist said the government should use all of the apple money when the crisis is over to stimulate the economy.

Probably Paul Somerville. A regular on the Vinnie Browne show for a few years after the last financial crisis Ali gwith the late, great Peter Mathews, Constantin Gurdgiev and other luminaries.

Would you label him unpatriotic for doing so?

Did he run for office in the recent election?

Yeah that was his first name. He was saying we’d need 15bn. Seems to make sense to me pump businesses with money over next few months to keep paying the bulk of people’s wages and thus avoid serious human devastation and also keep the economy going. He said vat cuts and McWilliams helicopter money were a waste of time as no one is spending now anyway.

He ran in 2011 in fairness. And he didn’t “sell out” like Peter Matthews did.

Fair play to him. Sounds like he didn’t this time.

Now is not the time to attack multi nationals. The markets have taken a terrible pummeling. Please keep them in your thoughts.

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It’s disappointing in a time when Ireland is in a crisis unlike anything we’ve seen that the Taoiseach is having to take questions about this shit. When we emerge on the other side then we can discuss what needs discussing.

Mary Lou McDonald should know better, the Apple money is in an escrow account and that is where it is being held until the European Commission decides where that money is going to go," Mr Varadkar said.

"The European courts will decide whether that money either belongs to Apple or comes to the Irish revenue commissioners and then has to be distributed out among the counties of Europe. It’s not ours to take and it’s now before the courts.

“She should know better before coming out with that kind of rubbish.”


People meeting up from dating apps

Gardai Called To Midlands House Party

Up to 80 young people attended the party in the midlands.

Up to 80 young people attended a house party in the midlands on Saturday night, despite the coronavirus pandemic.

The gardai were called to the property, after receiving reports of rowdy behaviour at a 21st in Longford town.

Local councillor Seamus Butler says it’s disgraceful to hold a party at this time:

Chat roulette, bring it back.

If the Government give me some free money I promise I’ll be a one man economic stimulus plan for the mid west. I won’t be saving it or paying down debt or anything boring like that

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Hopefully Constantin makes a comeback to the airwaves. The Russian grim reaper of Irish economics.

I agree with our Fenian Princess. Use that money at least in the short term. If have to borrow it back later so be it.

The normal rules of capitalism are out the window.

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