
@anon61878697 do you know the crowd that own Fredaā€™s take away? Worked with one of them before a gas man.


But yeah ā€” the sister is hot.

Yeah worked with him in Dublin

Heā€™s a mad man ā€” Sound out tho. When was this?? He was in Mary I up to 5 years ago.

About 3 years ago. He was just finished in LIT at this stage. Iā€™d say heā€™d try anything for a few bob

Did he still have the big bushy head of hair?

Trying to maintain it but Iā€™d say he was fighting a losing battle. Working in The Locke now

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which one

he was abroad for a while wasnĀ“t he?

Townies threatening people is a long standing tradition as well.

Think itā€™s Sinead?

IĀ“m not naming names here

Iā€™m not sure how I tell you which sister without giving you a name ā€” but I only know one of them anyway, I suppose the next youngest to Dave.

awful sad story with them from years back.

Yeah - tragicā€¦ Are you from around the way? Or did you know Dave from Munchins?

Met him and his sisters through a mate on nights out there around 2011/2012. I wouldnā€™t really know him though. Probably just to salute at this stage. Last time I met him he was home from China. Terrible man for the ladies from what I recall. :slight_smile:


A dog.

Huh? There arenā€™t wandering bands of tinkers demanding money with menaces from people with young kids on the streets of Thurles. You can park on the road for free or, if you like, you can park in someoneā€™s field for a fee.
I see false equivalency is alive & well on TFK.

I have reservations since doing exactly this, and returning nonetheless, to find the car burned to the axles.