
Id say he was making an attempt to say “slave”

Yeah I heard slave.

We have a bit of tidying-up to do on the substantial Hunt estate. After much hinting about me getting someone to do it Mrs Hunt lost patience and put up an ad herself. I was eating dinner when two chaps called out to give a price so they so they were half way through looking at the job when I decided to head out. While their accents weren’t very strong I got a bang of campfire off them. I knew and they knew I did so things were a bit awks. Mrs Hunt though, being from the north, is oblivious to the chonk accent (cc @TheBlackSpot ) so continued on her merry presentation of what needed to be done. Their price was to put it mildly, quite high. I think they did it to take the piss. To remove any doubt I asked them was it their best price, they said “it is boss”.

We parted ways and once we got in the door Mrs Hunt said we wouldn’t be getting them because of that price. I did that shake of the head thing that she fucking hates. When I explained to her she said the fella the previous evening had a “funny” accent too but thought it might have been a counthry accent . She now thinks it probably was a thraavler cos they wanted to take the wheelbarrow without a wheel and an old lawn-mower that were lying about.:smile::smile:


It may be when they take out the patio door that she will figure it out

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Tidy up your premises ffs, you’re asking for trouble.

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Of all the people on the forum I’d say you’re the least qualified to provide advice on hygiene.

It’s a cousin of his AFAIK.

They’ve your house well cased now anyway.


Congratulations, you will be broken into and robbed within 6 months. Did you take down their fake number plate by any chance?

You’re living in filth

Unlikely they’ll bring the same car to the robbery.

He’ll be delighted to have something new to give out about

Who the fuck rings Travs to do building work?

Do we need to do a whip around for @mikehunt?

Just to tidy his place up cos the wife lost patience. I’d be ashamed

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Ffs :roll_eyes:

No way.

In to tidy up rubbish etc and fill a skip?

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And he couldn’t afford them!!! Must be in some state

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A good profile of your average water protester.


Don’t worry, he’ll pay


What kind of auld wimmin have we posting here at all,lads living in filth so bad they have to get the tinkers in to tidy the place up for them.