
Although not the brightest tactic because it was always going to be return to sender

No one even came close to hitting him with a chair.

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Is there a case to be made in making it illegal for travellers to be in boxing clubs. Like how itā€™s illegal for Aboriginals to be sold liquor in certain parts of Oz.
I mean, theyā€™re bad enough without teaching the cunts how to fight better and they obviously arenā€™t able to behave themselves.

Some do,just donā€™t know what happens when they get older,they live in shitehole conditions say thatā€™s part of it

Anyone else see the latest video? 2 sulkies going towards Dublin on the M7 past Brownā€™s Barn, filmed from the overpass at the Citywest turn off. Around 15 cars of an escort. Unbelievable, the whole motorway held up.


Culture boss

By god


Unrale Piles, they donā€™t give a fuck

What am I looking at here? A blurry pic?

Fucking beagleā€™s

Vermin bastards


My father was in a crash around 5 weeks ago on the M7 around Saggart which was caused by a sulky race. He was okay but the car was written off, it shook him a good bit and heā€™s not normally one for shaking.

A young lad was in the middle lane and nearest the traps, he was being beeped out of it by the escort cars and was terribly afraid of hitting the horse. He panicked a bit, cut in to the inner lane before a proper gap opened up and when he made contact with the side of my Dadā€™s car, he jammed on and turned in towards him which took both of them into concrete median.

This was 6 in the morning and my dad was on the way to work. Heā€™s in his 60s, nearing retirement and has worked hard all his life. Itā€™s bad enough he had the ordeal and a car he liked being written off, but the thought that he could have been cut down by this idiotic, neanderthal behavior is something that flashes seething rage over me.

The fact they can do this so liberally on some of the busiest roads in the country is a fucking indictment of our gardaĆ­ā€™s power to clamp down on these cunts and the free reign they have to carry on outside of the law.


Best wishes to your dad . This carryon is appalling

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Gardai afraid of putting in a shift where that gang are concerned

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Thatā€™s horrible. Strength to your dad.

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Sorry to hear that about your dad. These lads are pushing it all the time. Soon they are going to push too far. The authorities need clamp down on these fuckers.


Youā€™ve lads on here willing to defend the rights of travellers. What is traveller culture? Itā€™s not making tin pots on the side of the road and speaking the gammon anyway.

To me the most noticeable representations of their culture is rampant criminality, animal cruelty, bare knuckle boxing, extreme misogyny and violence against their women, a lack of taking responsibility for their actions, little respect for the environment and being a general nuisance, to put it kindly. Sure, you may have a few good eggs who do well for themselves but the Iā€™m finding it harder to believe that those engaging in criminality are in the minority.


Contrary to consensus the Gardai can remove these cretins from the road, they either donā€™t have the numbers, have other priorities or canā€™t be arsed. Probably a combination of all 3

The Gardai donā€™t want to deal with them as they are too much hassle. Imagine having to listen to those cunts for a job.

Seems to have been taken down from streamable.