
Are only travellers doing that?

What community was the lady that stabbed someone over a parking spot from? Graham Dwyer? What about the two teens that raped and murderd Anna Kriegel , are they from your ‘community’.

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Imagine what she’s had to put up with to achieve what she has only for lads here who never saw a minutes hardship to label her a dirty knacker and wish for her to burn to death in a caravan



Fair fucks to her too. A pity a few more of them would follow her example and not mind being out bollixing with sulkies, fighting, robbing and extorting old people.

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Impressive virtue signalling


Call it what you want mate, I’ve been consistent on this in all my time here, the casual racism that’s allowed, encouraged and cheered on here is the worst of this place


Lads spit on a section of society and are then outraged when travellers grow up to conform to what society thinks of them.

Mea culpa

Spot the pikey lovers :point_up:t2:

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Apparently it was bangers not gunshots

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Inbreeding results in a greater than expected phenotypic expression of deleterious recessive allel within the Irish traveller population. Consequently Irish travellers are likely to show physical and brain defects,including:

  • Fluctuating facial asymmetry
  • Smaller brain size

Who would have a bigger boxing brain you or Tyson fury .

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Still now, Danny Farrell, he’s a man

This cunt -

Anyone get that WhatsApp of the fella hanging from the bridge over the motorway?

Someone mentioned it in the WhatsApp thread