TSG Climate Advice Thread

Please log all (personal) queries for advice from the forums top climate advisor in here.

@Little_Lord_Fauntleroy - I’ve managed to increase my wfh days to 3 so it’s one less day in the cage for me.
But im now using more lecky/ amenities at home and residential emissions are far higher than transport emissions, Should i feel guilty about this move ?

Does TSG stand for The Shame and Guilt thread?


Is Remote Work Actually Better for the Environment? (hbr.org)

here you go bro, its important that you manage your behaviors , dont be driving down to the shop at lunch, whack on an extra jumper instead of the heat, insulate the house etc


Torie Soccer Guy.

That was very helpful.

Thank you for easing what was a troubling decision.

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Encouraging fast fashion now as well.

@Thomas_Brady the ‘extra jumper’ must be made of recycled material and purchased from a local retailer within walking distance of your house.

eh, you forgot pre loved there mate

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Pre loved still came from the same sweat shop as unloved.

TSG is it true what they say about the batteries for electric vehicles?

What do they say about them?

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Yes, but ICE cars are worse

What this forum as a collective advocates for is active travel


Agreed. My cycle to town for work today was wonderful.

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Cc @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy


Cc @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy


Did you get that hybrid with your promotion yet Mike?


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