Tsunami and Quake

Oh dear…

Has there been any word on what caused the explosion? If it’s the case that they can no longer pump water to the reactors and they’ve overheated then the game is up. The scary thing is that this could happen to all the other reactors as well.

You cunts are worse than Sky for willing this to escalate and escalate. You won’t be happy until millions have died :angry:

It’s funny because it’s true. Charlie Bird was on the radio a half an hour ago talkng to an Irish woman in Tokyo. “AND NOW TO THE DRAMATIC SITUATION IN TOKYO…Irishwoman Una O’Neill, there must be real sense of panic there at the moment…”
Irishwoman: “It’s pretty much a normal day here in Tokyo, everybody is going about their business as normal”.

Charlie sounded really disapponted.

It’s like on September 11, everybody was feigning an “oh no, that’s terrible”, but secretly thinking “this is some fucking craic, it’d be gas if one of the towers fell down, oh FUCK there it goes, jesus this is mad stuff altogether, fierce exciting”. You know you were.

Sky News is muck for their coverage, putting dramatic sound effects with videos of the events.
Fox news is providing the best coverage.
Is this power plant bigger the Chernobyl?


People do show their true colours in situations like this alright.

Sid while agree with you slightly, i personally was just shocked by 911, and was very quickly thinking about “who done it?”. I was to fly over there the following day, but it got shelved then for a few months. Was weird to be honest. I think people who haven’t been to a place and don’t have any connection or affection for a place just think “oh its over there”. I think Irish people have a very narrow view of people from certain countries, especially the States and East Asia actually.

Anyway, its a terrible disaster, but it seems the reactor at the plant has escaped damage. Thats good news if it comes to be fact.

10 seconds to core meltdown. Oh Fuk.

A second reactor is in trouble.

I’m surprised there wasn’t a smiley face put next to that.

Are the Japs fooling themselves thinking a blown up building can protect the reactor and contain it. They’re fucked over there. 160 people already being treated to exposure apparently.

The destruction of the entire Japanese nation in a nuclear meltdown,sorry meltdowns,could be just the unexpected pick me up the Irish economy needs.

I’d say they’re all part of the rescue team though. The Guardian had experts last night saying that the pumping in of seawater was “an act of desperation”. The thing is they successfully managed to shut down the fission process two days ago so presumably the threat is much less than what it was.

I heard there on Sky News that a man was rescued 9 miles out at sea sitting on the roof of his house!

Some images from Boston Globe in the TFK gallery:


Tool on NY Times to see before and after satellite images. Astonishing stuff:


Fuel rods at three of the reactors are ‘highly’ likely to be melting acc to Jap Chief Cabinet Secretary.

There has now been an explosion at Reactor 2.
That’s the 3rd explosion.

I don’t think the contamination risk is as big as the media are suggesting though. There won’t be another Chernobyl despite what sky and the like are implying.