Tv Shows & Mini Series (Part 1)

Yeah bro. On our buddy’s dodgy box.

Jesus the Russians are a stoic, heroic people.

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With fierce English accents…

I think that’s just because a lot of the actors in it are English, bro. Not sure if they have in real life.

I must check it out.


Sic semper tyrannis

I’m revealing that I’m an ignoramus now by admitting I had to look that up.

A superb finale I thought and a very, very fine show.

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As did I.

Great show. Outstanding performances throughout.

This was a very well made show but an extra hard watch in context of the deaths of those kids in Dublin. Very unfortunate timing for the show

I’d watch anything with him in it

Something else in Animal Kingdom, Aussie flick. first time I came across him.

Great flick.

Have you seen the US version? TV series. It is decent enough. At least 1st season was. Have not seen the rest

Smurf was some bitta stuff :wink:

Watched a bit of it. Couldn’t really get into it. Movie was fucking brilliant, tough to follow

Thats because you were coming across some fella.

Eh, might have that fleshed out a little bit for me there? Bit slow getting going this morning

Great stuff. I can never warm to Jason Bateman but everything else here is superb.

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Ah… Bit of silly talk…see your reply to cauliflower

The Good Place finished magnificently, outstanding