Tv Shows & Mini Series (Part 1)

Watched the first episode there- yeah really liked it. All about the money.

I Hate Suzie is off the chain

Homelander is a legend, the sheriff of Banshee. Great actor

We’re all Gods children

The young fellas in school are mad for the Young Offenders, Jock and Conor is their names, I’m withered from listening about it, I sat down one time with my eldest to watch an episode and one of the little fuckers was getting his end away in the school office over the intercom, that was as much as I could tss aske, I know one of the actors though, I was in school with his brother, son of Des McHale the mathematician/kerryman jokebook writer


Ted Lasso is quite funny

Harmless fun

I’m rewatching Happy Valley with the missus as she hasn’t seen it. It a cracking show. Hopefully they do the third season soon.


I never watched an episode until recently. I found it very good. Now, maybe that is more to do with it being Cork based.


Not harmless, it seems to drive a lot of lads spare

When did you turn into Mary Whitehouse?


A top, top show.

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When you turned into Amelia Bedelia

Joking? Their brains must up their holes if they’re affected in any negative way ref a comedy show , most teens in Cork watch and move on as they fully understand it’s only make up, get back to the south side schools boy them borrows are getting to ya😅

Harmless fun with a pinch of sentimentaltal lush thrown in

If that’s genuine I’d be shocked

The acting is woeful altogether in it, but other than that it’s harmless auld fare

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The Fall, originally BBC2 series I think, is very good. Didn’t catch it first time round unfortunately, but it’s only a few years old so not dated.


Finished watching this on Now TV during the week.

Utterly bonkers plotline in its own way but some of the best action scenes I’ve seen in years on film/tv. The violence is off the charts too.

I enjoyed it but it won’t be for all.

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Rewatching Banshee for the third time. It’s absolutely top class. Kai Proctor is a great tv villain