Tv Shows & Mini Series (Part 1)

20th of May in the USA. :clap:

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The first season was unreal and second too, it’s not been a patch recently IMO.

Sure season four was out in 2019 you’re a bit behind the curve, I watched it all on sky on demand.


1 unreal. 2 good… The rest shite.

Season 5 is done filming this month.Should be out in the Autumn.

This a grand series, if not pretty standard.

Decent show on C4 now. The money maker… Fella coming in investing in struggling businesses.

Just finished the last season… Great show.


Mare of Easttown is excellent.

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Savage show​:+1::+1:

I’m enjoying Goliath, I must say I’m enjoying it.

Billy Bob is superb as usual.

There’s a lovely menace to him in everything

I have a load of Great Continental Railway Journeys recorded. After a day of combat with a wife, a toddler and a baby it’s a wonderful way to unwind and reset. I watched the one where he went to Graz, Ljubljana and Trieste tonight. Three beautiful looking cities.

It’s unlikely I will live long enough to retire but if I do I’d love to spend my retirement interrailing around Europe.


I’m watching fleabag here it’s a great tv show.


Trieste janes Joyce connection, lovely city

First season Goliath very good. Dont bother after.

Mare of Eastwood excellent so far

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This ain’t bad

Which wan?

Mare… 2 episodes in. Starting to heat up now.

Great show. Winslet is superb in it.

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