Tv Shows & Mini Series (Part 1)

Ah the was a lovely scene in the back.

Episode 1 sure to rile the TFK homophobes.

About to crack into Chernobyl

See you guyz on the far side.


Mare of Easttown finished nicely.

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Winslet was outstanding in it I thought.

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She was - but then again she’s a top actress.

Latest Kominsky Method isn’t a bad auld watch.

I thought the final episode was a letdown. Too many twists.

Reminded me a lot of the very underrated The Killing.

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How was it?

I’m actually only two episodes in. Very good so far though. Quickly realising I knew fuck all about the whole disaster before.

Ah it’s incredible.

just watching the walking dead - first time - i’ve put it on the long finger for ages

Season 1 was pretty epic. I’m in for the long haul now

It sucks fair balls for a finish

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I was only thinking there about how similar Mare of Easttown is to Happy Valley.

Battle hardened female cop, without a romantic partner, lost a child to suicide and is rearing his/her baby. Lives with another close family member (mother/sister) for support. She has only one other kid who is strong and independent despite everything that has gone on.


Descends into awful shutter

Is Chernobyl any good? I’ve heard mixed reviews

It is v similar

Both as dark as each other. V good show

It’s very good so far. Hard to go wrong with the material in a way. The English accents from all the characters is a tad jarring, but you get over it.

Thought Happy Valley was superb so must give Mare a twisht.

very good