Cornfield chase is magnificent
Does she buy a lot of Ferrero Rocher?
How the fuck would I know or even give a fuck
The same way you’d know what she’s like in real life I suppose
She’s fucking spoken about it you dumb fuck
Ah right. That practically makes ye intimates so
Go to bed
I’m alright. You seem to be getting hot flushes
I am. I’ve a fucking hernia on my stoma and its pissing me off.
A curse. The aul fella has three now cos he won’t stop pulling and rooting at stuff
My lad wont do nothing about until.he reverses the bag next month. It’s a right sore cunt of a thing.
They won’t operate on his ones with his age, which is probably right. He only started wearing the proper vests after he had gotten the third one
Tell him to get a belt for the moment. PM me if you want. The belts are a better job. Having said that when it gets to a certain point , it doesn’t matter what you’re wearing
They ended up BFF which was nice to see
He’s all that
You have a lovely way of showing it.
Did Mike reveal something personal again that nobody really needed to know?