And we go again
When it says ‘look between ( any two letters) on your keyboard, what is that about?
Look between T and U on your keyboard and find out
It’s Fine Gael heads saying look between d and h & Sinn Féin heads replying that you should look either side of d instead.
They built them to last in WWII.
Exploded suddenly yesterday in some Japanese airport.
Still one of the best.
Robbie needs to take the phone off the wife. Watching her fight his battles online however noble it may be, is a bit sad and weak from one of our greats.
His cousin Morrissey is pro Israel as well isn’t he?
Rabbi was well on the way to ruining his rep sadly
Yes. And a brother who would have been even more pro israel than him but for the drink…
Blue sky seems to have driven all the nutters / head bangers mental.
I wonder why?
What’s blue sky?
Same as the original twitter basically.
A safe space for people on Twitter who are always triggered and rattled.
Is it like a ‘SIDEGROUP’ on TFK